Comments on: Gluten Free Flour Blend for Baking A little baking and cake decorating blog. Thu, 28 Sep 2023 08:02:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Natalie | Sweetness and Bite Thu, 28 Sep 2023 08:02:57 +0000 In reply to Dee.

Hi Dee,

Cellulose gum works in a similar way to xanthan gum, and if you’re using a flour blend that contains cellulose, you shouldn’t need to add xanthan gum as the blends are designed to work as-is. However, if you bake with it and whatever you’ve baked turns out a bit crumbly, you can add a bit of xanthan gum next time. If you do that, I would start with half the amount of xanthan gum the recipe calls for, and see how that goes. Hope that helps!

By: Dee Wed, 27 Sep 2023 15:05:02 +0000 Hello Natalie,
If I have a gluten-free flour blend that already has cellulose gum in it, would I still need to add xanthan gum?

By: Natalie Wed, 08 Jul 2020 02:13:32 +0000 In reply to Melissa.

Hi Mel, my apologies for the delayed reply, I was away over the weekend and then came home sick 😕

I posted the dark and white choc mud recipes before I had settled on the ratios that I now use in my GF flour blend, so I listed the ratios I was using at the time in those recipes. By the time I posted the caramel mud cake, I’d already posted the flour blend so I just linked to that. But long story short, the ratios and amounts I used in the dark and white choc mud cakes still work, but now I just make up big batches of the flour blend using the ratios in that post and use that for pretty much all my baking recipes.

If you’re just making the caramel mud cake and don’t want to mix up a big batch of flour, you can just use 190g tapioca starch, 150g brown rice flour and 35g potato starch. (If you get your calculator out for that and check it, you’ll see I rounded up on the tapioca and down on the potato starch, which is usually how I tend to do it when it comes out as odd amounts).

Anyway, I hope that helps! I’m so glad you like the dark and white choc muds, and I hope you like the caramel one too! 💜

By: Melissa Sat, 04 Jul 2020 10:19:31 +0000 Hi,
I have made your Dark Chocolate Mud Cake & White Choc Mud and they were perfect! Thank you so much. I am planning to try your Caramel Mud but just had a question.
For the Gluten Free flour mix what grams of Tapioca starch, Brown rice flour and potato starch did you use.
The ratios were written on the other mud recipes but I couldn’t find it on this one.
I had a look at the Gluten Free Flour Blend section but the ratios of 50%, 40% & 10% didn’t seem to match the percentages in the other mud cakes so I wasn’t sure if you used a different calculation for those recipes.

Kind Wishes

By: Natalie Sun, 06 Oct 2019 07:23:15 +0000 In reply to Med Blackmore.

Hi there, yes you can sub either cornstarch or arrowroot for the potato starch. It doesn’t end up working exactly the same – the potato starch helps hold a bit more moisture in than cornstarch or arrowroot, so your baking may not keep for quite as long. But it still makes a good blend for baking if you keep that in mind. And yes just replace the potato starch with the same weight of cornstarch or arrowroot 🙂

By: Med Blackmore Sun, 06 Oct 2019 07:15:45 +0000 Hi. Going to try this recipe but cannot find potato starch in my supermarket. We are in a small town. If I substitute cornstarch/cornflour for the potato starch do I use the same anount? Is it a direct swap? And if I use Arrowroot instead would it be the same amount as potato? If not what would the swap ratio be?
Thanks for your help 🙂

By: Rich Caramel Mud Cake - Sweetness & Bite Sat, 15 Jun 2019 08:31:15 +0000 […] pictures is the gluten-free version, but I give instructions for both in the recipe. I use my own gluten-free flour blend but you can use your own favourite blend if you like. Just check out the notes below the recipe for […]

By: Jenn Tue, 02 Apr 2019 12:44:04 +0000 I am going to try this, we have a friend in our small group that is gluten free, and I want to make things that she can eat! Thank you!
